Andreas Nitsche on LiquidFeedback

Project Showcase. Video Release: April 5, 12pm PT; 9pm CET

Can online deliberation help us resolve disagreements with mutual respect? In this video statement, Thomas Mann Fellow Andreas Nitsche talks about LiquidFeedback, a framework for deliberation and collective decision-making implemented as an open source software under the same name. Designed with scalability of constructive debates and fair representation of minorities in mind, the aim is to empower participants, allow them to weigh options, and make joint decisions.

Andreas Nitsche is a German Computer Scientist with research interest in democratic self-organization. His multidisciplinary work focuses on the chances and risks of technology for democracy, social cohesion, inclusion and conflict management. In international events, he uses talks and workshops to focus on the philosophical, political and technological aspects of deliberation and credible decision making. He is a board member of the Berlin based Association for Interactive Democracy and co-founder of the LiquidFeedback project. Andreas Nitsche is a 2022 Thomas Mann Fellow.